Lord Baden-Powell (Robert Stephenson Smyth) was born in 1857 in London, UK and was the founder of the world-wide Scouting Movement. He died in 1941 in Nyeri, Kenya.
Left: Picture of Lord BP taken in 1937.
Lady Baden-Powell (Olave St. Clair Soames) was born in 1889 in Chesterfield, UK and was first Chief Guide for Britain and wife of Lord Baden Powell. She died in 1977 in Bramley, UK.
Right: Picture of Lady BP taken in 1967.

On his 80th birthday, February of 1937, Lord B-P recorded this message to the Scouts of the world, and it is the last know recording of his voice.

Lady B-P recorded this message to Scouts and Guides of the World in February of 1967.

This 45 rpm recording was first released in 1967. The two clips are introduced by a Queen’s Scout in the UK, identified as ‘Paul’. The recording was published by Baden-Powell House in London, UK, and produced by The Abbey Recording Company Limited.