1957 100 Years of BP Guild Eastern Ontario

1997 Thunder Bay Badge

2000 Charter for the 35thBP Guild
Annual Charter issues for the Limestone Guild issued in 2000

2001 Banner & Quilt

2001 Presentation of Quilt

2007 Certificate from Loyalist Area
Certificate Presented to the 35th Limestone B.P. Guild for their help on the annual Kub Kar Rally

23rd World Conference Badge

Guild Member Ribbon

BP Badge

B.P Guild Necker

1957 100 Years of BP Guild Eastern Ontario
1957 100 Years of BP

1997 Thunder Bay Badge
1997 Thunder Bay Badg

2000 Charter for the 35thBP Guild
Annual Charter issues for the Limestone Guild issued in 2000
2000 Charter for the
Annual Charter issues for the Limes...

2001 Banner & Quilt
2001 Banner & Quilt

2001 Presentation of Quilt
2001 Presentation of

2005 World Conference Necker
2005 Norway World Conference Necker
2005 World Conference
2005 Norway World Conference Necker

2007 Certificate from Loyalist Area
Certificate Presented to the 35th Limestone B.P. Guild for their help on the annual Kub Kar Rally
2007 Certificate from
Certificate Presented to the 35th L...

23rd World Conference Badge
23rd World Conference

Custom Design Tie
Tie designed by Kingston artist, James Keirstead
Custom Design Tie
Tie designed by Kingston artist, J...

Guild Member Ribbon
Guild Member Ribbon

BP Badge
BP Badge

B.P Guild Necker
B.P Guild Necker